UPDATE: Ariana Grande Tour Could Continue Despite Bombing

image from static.wixstatic.com[UPDATED] Contradicting reports from CNN and other media outlets that Ariana Grande had suspended her “Dangerous Woman” tour in the wake of a post-concert Manchester, UK terror attack, Variety is reporting that no firm decision on the tour’s future has been made.

A suicide bomber killed 22 and injured 59 of Grande’s mostly young fans as they were exiting arena on Monday night.

Ariana Grande’s team is still deciding whether or not her tour should continue, a source close to the situation told Variety. “This is about the victims, it feels silly even to be thinking about the tour at this point,” the source said. With shows scheduled at London’s O2 Arena on Thursday and Friday, a decision will likely be made on Wednesday. “They’re still assessing the situation and how she’s doing.”

“Thanks to everyone who has been in touch,” the O2 wrote on Twitter. “We’re still in contact with the tour promoters regarding a final decision. As yet the tour is not officially postponed or cancelled, despite media reports.”

“Broken,” Grande tweeted hours after the attack. “From the bottom of my heart, i am so so sorry. i don’t have words.”



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