Tidings Of Comfort, Joy, Forgiveness & Success: A Four-Part Exercise For Musicians

ResetButtonAs 2016 comes to a close and a new year filled with possibilities begins, music pr maven and author Ariel Hyatt suggests pausing to reset and refresh your attitude, expectations and plans for 2017. 


Guest post by Ariel Hyatt of CyberPR

It’s been one crazy-town year for many of us and I hope that you had a good one and if it has been challenging in any way I hope that you can enjoy some time off with friends and family and you can make a decision in January to create a ReSet.

I have created a little exercise to help you do just this…

This is designed to help you to take a step back and take stock in your success and remember the good moments of 2016.

If you are already planning for new goals in 2017 that’s great but first – pause and take a breath and and take stock of the moments that you are proud of, no matter how small and acknowledge yourself for them.


  • What in the last year are you most proud of overall?
  • What in the last year are you most proud of in your music career?
  • Did you set out to achieve something but perhaps you missed your mark?
  • What wonderful things happened for you?
  • What unexpected things happened to you?

It’s time to take stock.

Here’s something that you can quickly do to help yourself reflect on the year that’s almost behind us and set yourself up for the new year ahead

Grab a pen or paper or open a new fresh doc and write:

STEP 1: We are going to start with the Positive things to train your brain to remember the good things – you must write at least 10 (if you can write more do it!) and for each one write WHY you are happy and or proud of this to explain to your subconscious the reason why

10 Things I’m happy/ proud of that I achieved within the last 12 months that are music related (or family, friend, health related) are:

1. I’m Happy / Proud of this because

2. I’m Happy / Proud of this because

3. I’m Happy / Proud of this because

4. I’m Happy / Proud of this because

5. I’m Happy / Proud of this because

6. I’m Happy / Proud of this because

7. I’m Happy / Proud of this because

8. I’m Happy / Proud of this because

9. I’m Happy / Proud of this because

10. I’m Happy / Proud of this because

STEP 2: The things that threw me for a loop (yes it happens to us all), slowed me down or stopped me were:

(Write what you want to clear it away out of your head.  If you are holding on to the things you “should” have done or regretting the things you didn’t get to, or the things you might have made yourself wrong for… write these down!

Notice I’m not giving you 1-10 here – the amount is up to you.  It can be ONE thing only.

Bonus: Write what you learned from these things to show yourself that everything happens for a reason.

It’s time to forgive yourself so that you can start out with a whole new clean slate for the new year.

STEP 3: Now write down 10 things (or more) that you are grateful for (it can be as small as coffee in the mornings or as big as your child, spouse or mom)

I believe that when we come from a place of gratitude our creativity flows in a much more productive way. And again say why:

I’m grateful for: 1. Because

I’m grateful for: 2. Because

I’m grateful for: 3. Because

I’m grateful for: 4. Because

I’m grateful for: 5. Because

I’m grateful for: 6. Because

I’m grateful for: 7. Because

I’m grateful for: 8. Because

I’m grateful for: 9. Because

I’m grateful for: 10. Because

STEP 4: Print out or tear out of your notebook, PARTS 1 & 3

Hang them or tuck them where you can see them and revisit them as often as possible till you have them memorized.

If you are into this kind of thing post on a wall proudly displayed in your office or studio.

If you are not into posting stuff or this makes you feel too woo–woo, place them in the back of a journal or in an envelope and tuck it somewhere where you can read it often.

Print Out STEP 2 And get RID of it!  

A few suggestions:

Unnamed-1-768x512Mail to:

Santa Claus

North Pole


Unnamed-2-768x614Or tear it into teeny pieces and put them in the trash…





Unnamed-768x438Or burn them in the fireplace this holiday season!




I wish you a joyous holiday season filled with love, reminders of success and gratitude.

And here’s to a ReFresh in 2017!

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