Google Class Action Moves Forward After Supreme Court Rejects Appeal


Google doesn’t seem to be getting away with this case…

Today (Monday 6th June) the U.S. Supreme Court rejected Google’s appeal to get their class action thrown out. The claims brought forward suggest that the search giant wasn’t transparent with advertisers regarding the placement of purchased ads on the site.

The claim comes from a series of advertisers who allege that they were misled after purchasing ads through Google’s Adwords service. The advertisers did not expect that the purchased ads would end up on inactive domain sites and error pages. As a result, a legal suit was filed in 2008, regarding ad-placement between 2004 and 2008.

Google tried to plead with the court to get damages calculated on an individual basis for each of the advertisers in question. But, the court quickly threw out that suggestion and proceeded with the method of calculating the damages via a formula. This is obviously a major win for the advertisers, but a loss for the search engine who seem to always be at the front-and-centre of a battle. In fact, the company just avoided a $9 million lawsuit less than two weeks ago, brought froward by Oracle over the alleged use of their copyrighted code that they used in Android.

But, that’s not even the worst part, Google is undergoing scrutiny from The European Commission after a 7-year investigation into the search engine’s online practices unveiling what the EC claims is search result monopolization, and as a result is hitting Google with a $3 billion fine.

The post Google Class Action Moves Forward After Supreme Court Rejects Appeal appeared first on Digital Music News.

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