EXCLUSIVE: ONErpm Drops Upfront Fees, Streams Grow 30% Monthly

ONERPM LOGODigital music distributor, marketer and leading YouTube multi-channel network ONErpm has dropped all upfront fees and barriers to digital distribution; and the results have been good news for both company and its artists and labels.


After launching a limited no-upfront costs distribution pilot program just over a year ago, ONErpm today announced that they are dropping all upfront fees for its music distribution service to all download and streaming services, as well as, its market leading YouTube MCN.

The company works with 35,000 artists and labels worldwide, ranging from up-and-coming to established talent across ONERPM LOGOall genres.  

It’s goals are straightforward: by reducing barriers to distribution, more content is available to consumers, contributing to overall market growth. The results, both in terms of availability and revenue, have proven good for all stakeholders. Already, ONErpm has witnessed 30% month-to-month streaming growth for the last 15 months.

“With free distribution, ONErpm has completely shifted its focus to marketing artists and their releases to help them expand their audiences and poise them for long term success,” says CEO Emmanuel Zunz. “ONErpm’s incentives are 100% aligned with our clients so that together with our content owners and our partner platforms we can build a stronger future for music.”

Streaming Is Music’s Future & The Future Is Now

“We recognized the shift to streaming years ago and realized that audience growth and engagement on music streaming was key to an artist’s sustainable career,” says Zunz.  “Given this,ONErpm has grown exponentially on YouTube and steaming Youtube_logoplatforms as we have developed strategies to grow and develop audiences which will continue as we enter the next stage of the music landscape.”
ONErpm‘s Multi Channel Network (MCN) of 2300 creators generates over 2 billion YouTube plays per month from a  subscriber base of 50 million, an impressive feat for an independently owned company. And efforts to improve and market creators are paying off. On average, channels that are part of the ONErpm MCN doubled their number of subscribers last year.



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