Aligner war begins? This Chilean startup Wizz seeks to consolidate in the Mexican market with low cost invisible orthodontics

Through the use of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and 3D Printing; This startup will seek to increase access to dental health in Mexico.

These Mexican startups will participate in the third MIDE International Bootcamp in Spain, see the complete list

The 16 startups chosen for the third edition of the Bootcamp organized by the MIDE platform (Madrid Innovation Driven Ecosystem) come from Spain, Mexico, Chile and Peru.

3 factors for the success of a pilot between startups and corporations

When entrepreneurs start the exploration journey with a corporate company, the quick proposal or request of a pilot usually arises as a solution to the link between both parties, but … Is this the magic bet for success?

This Mom Decided to Make ‘Flip Socks’ for Her Baby. 9 Years Later, Target Started Selling Her Updated Product.

The founder and CEO of Sockabu shares how she persisted over several years to find the right manufacturer and bring her vision to market.

10 startups and technology companies that are changing the logistics and last mile market in Mexico

The Mexican Association of Online Sales AMVO, in 2020 online sales grew by 81%, catapulting many of the companies focused on the last mile to success.