Is YouTube’s Music Domination Finally Coming to an End?

For many years now, YouTube has been in a power position when it came to dealing with artists. After all, it’s one of the most popular sites on the web and easily the biggest music destination, dwarfing any other platform as a means of consuming music on demand.


The Media Needs to Get Smarter When Talking About Chinese Music

The western media needs to smarten up when talking about Chinese music. Recent coverage of the industry specifically, or even articles that reference the music business tangentially, have taken to recycling the same clichés, images and names.

China Music Radar

Spotify Reaches Settlement With Publishers in Licensing Dispute

The settlement concerns mechanical licensing rights, which refer to a copyright holder’s control over the ability to reproduce a musical work. The rule goes back to the days of player-piano rolls, but in the digital era mechanical rights have joined the tangle of licensing deals that streaming services need to operate legally.

The New York Times

Pourquoi l’industrie du disque touche le fond de catalogue

Qui est la nouvelle poule aux œufs d’or de l’industrie musicale ? Les All Saints, qui viennent de se reformer ? Rihanna, malgré sa tournée reportée ? Vous n’y êtes pas du tout. Selon le fonds d’investissement Round Hill Music, il s’agit de…
