6 Tales From ‘Spotify Unknown’ Of Near Misses, Aborted Acquisitions and Steve Jobs’ Heavy Breathing

T’Spotify Untold’ offers a behind-the-scenes "character-driven story of Spotify’s rise from a tiny start-up to the biggest music streaming company in the world,” and the new book is filled with some juicy revelations. The book by Swedish journalists Sven Carlsson and Jonas Leijonhufvud, tech reporters for Stockholm-based Di Digital is…

4 Ways To Build More Content From Your Music Videos

Creating a music video can be a complex, lengthy, and above all expensive endeavor, meaning you should work to get as much out of the end product as you can. Here we look at four clever ideas for how you can utilize elements of your music video to create other…

Move with the Times: Ideal AI Tools For Musicians

While AI’s expansion into the music industry is an intimidating and off-putting idea for those songwriters afraid that a computer will take their job, the reality is that as this new era of technology dawns, there are number of ways in which the music can, and should, benefit from new…

QUICK HITS: Vevo • Merlin • Sweet • Kobalt •  Warner Chappell Music

Vevo has hired Scott Anderson as its new SVP of Engineering & Product. Anderson brings with him over 25 years of technology experience and joins from startup Conversa Health, where he helped the healthcare provider through its first rounds of funding. Prior to that, he led mobile engineering at Walmart….

Music & Refugees: Improving Lives In Uncertain Times

In this piece, a humanitarian volunteer recounts their experiences in Greece working to support victims fleeing the Syrian refugee crisis, and the powerful role music played in improving the lives of those suffering. _____________________________ By Daniel Pines from the Berklee College of Music: Music Business Journal An Introduction to the…

THU. BRIEF: Live Nation Buys OCESA • 46 Shows In 46 States • Ditto Adds Publishing • Meek Mill Conviction Overturned

THURSDAY 7.25.19
Music Business News From Around The Web
Updated continuously under the More News tab

Come Together: Why The Music Industry Must Break Down Data Silos

In this article, Jeppe Faurfelt breaks down the different data silos which industry artists should be keeping track of, why the distinction between them is so important, and why everyone on an artist’s team should have access to all of them. _____________________________ Guest post by Jeppe Faurfelt, Co-Founder & CCO…

Music Physical Product Issues Signals Upheaval Ahead

Although the sale of physical music is still a large part of the revenue pulled in by major labels, their whole-hearted embrace of streaming has caused them to neglect traditional retail sales, with some fairly disastrous results. ____________________________ Guest post by Bobby Owsinski of Music 3.0 The U.S. recorded music…

3 Marketing Mistakes Artists Frequently Make Online [VIDEO]

At this point, digital marketing is an essential part of getting ahead as an artist, but given that it can be an at least partly unfamiliar space for some, chances are good you’ll fall into some all-too-common pitfalls if you’re not careful. Here we look at three frequently made mistakes…