When It Comes To New Music Releases, Is The Element of Surprise Wearing Thin?

Surprise releases have been all the rage of late, with artists like Beyonce, Drake, and Radiohead dropping full length albums completely out of the blue, and while these spontaneous marketing techniques can be great for major artists, they can hurt indie musicians, and are something of a mixed bag for…

Why Album Art Is Critical For Success In 2016

Although the commercial decline of the physical album means that fewer listeners are getting the full visual experience when they consume an artist’s music, the following article suggests that album art has in fact become more important than ever, and makes huge difference when it comes to selling music. ____________________________________…

Releasing New Music? Focus On Singles

A look at how the new music economy has developed to favor the promotion and popularity of singles rather than full albums, as has historically been the case. _________________________ Guest Post from Trill Trax Music platforms today offer songwriters a variety of tools to share music. One service that has…

J Dilla’s Low-End Genius

In this piece Carter Lee deconstructs the intricate basslines of deceased record producer and rapper J Dilla, examining the structure of his music both in terms of the theory behind it and the challenges of recreating his specific tone. ________________________________ Guest Post by Carter Lee on Soundlfy’s Flypaper I often…

For All The Country, EDM And Hip Hop Hype, Rock Still Reigns Surpreme, Says Nielsen Study

A new year end report from Nielsen offers some interesting data regarding music consumer’s listening habits, some of which run contrary to common perceptions about the popularity of various genres. _______________________________ Guest Post by Bobby Owsinski on Music 3.0 If you were to listen to a week of nothing but…

Using Music To Re-Architect Hospitals [George Howard]

Following his recent stay in hospital, George Howard reflects on music’s potential to positively transform a hospital environment, in a manner which is not only cost effective for the hospital, but also benefits artists and rights holders. ____________________________ Guest Post by George Howard on Forbes You might have noticed that…

How Live Music Can Save Itself From Disruption [Cortney Harding]

While the live music market is strong and getting stronger, it may soon struggle, as increasing numbers of potential concert goers opt for a night in. It’s time that the music industry take steps to make live shows more enticing. _____________________________________ Guest post by music industry and music tech consultant…

Lessons From Prince And His Struggles With Digital Music

In addition to his legacy as an artist and performer, Prince also had, throughout his career, a complex relationship with the world of digital music distribution, and while he certainly tried many different tactics when it came to making his music available to the public, it’s unclear just how successful…

Spotify Is Becoming MySpace, While Apple Music Becomes Facebook

Although Apple’s quarterly revenue streak was recently broken, a bump in Apple Music subscribers offered one bright spot in an otherwise grim report, suggesting Apple may finally be creating some perceived value in its music, even as Spotify loses ground. _____________________________ Guest Post by George Howard on Forbes As reported…

What People Are Listening To On Their Smartphones

Edison Research recently dropped some revealing numbers regarding what consumers are listening to on their smartphones, numbers which go against much of what we may have, up to now, been assuming about people’s listening habits. ________________________________ Guest Post by Bobby Owsinski on Music 3.0 Edison Research recently completed a study…