Xavier Rubio was not a good student and now he has a successful virtual reality educational startup

Although face-to-face classes were put on hold due to the pandemic, today Pixdea already has global companies as clients; and eagerly awaits the return to school

André Tapia passed one of the most demanding exams in the country and hence the idea of creating an app to help others arose

Reto Education developed four applications to pass medical exams and certifications.

From a canceled bachelor party and wedding came Refly, a flight reselling platform

Raymond Zeitouni and Shantal Jordana tried to sell their plane tickets that they were no longer going to use. They did not succeed on WhatsApp and Facebook. Therefore, they came up with creating an application for reselling flights.

This couple has been married for 44 years and decided to undertake after an economic crisis

Renato González and Bertha Ramos made it clear that age is only a number: Piacere sauce rescues its Italian roots and demonstrates the resilience of entrepreneurs over 50 years of age.