‘Vinyl is magical, my collection will forever be my pride and joy, but it has many parallels with the NFT experience.’

This MBW op/ed comes from Australian tech entrepreneur Max Shand, founder of music tech company Serenade

‘The next 10 years in music hold a wealth of opportunity, but only if copyright, revenue collection and distribution catch up.’

Utopia COO Roberto Neri puts forward his case for an overhaul of how music creators earn and receive money

Box clutter: why special edition albums need to forget the kitchen sink drama

This column comes from Eamonn Forde, a long-time music industry journalist, and the author of The Final Days of EMI: Selling the Pig, and Leaving The Building: The Lucrative Afterlife of Music Estates

The Ubiquity Paradox: do far more of this but also do a lot less of that

This column comes from Eamonn Forde, a long-time music industry journalist and the author of The Final Days of EMI: Selling the Pig, and Leaving The Building: The Lucrative Afterlife of Music Estates

Sometimes, ‘polite pop stars’ are stifled by this business

Rhian Jones believes the influence of the music industry can have troubling consequences for young artists – and prevent their personalities and talent from shining…

The Lucrative Afterlife of Music Estates: ‘A complex balancing act between the past and the future.’

An extract from Eamonn Forde’s excellent (and very timely) new book, Leaving The Building: The Lucrative Afterlife of Music Estates, out now, via Omnibus Press