DJ’ing Through the Pandemic: How the Electronic Dance Community is Leading the Industry into Live Streaming

Beatport CEO, Robb McDaniels, on how the electronic music community is pushing a valuable new income stream for the business forward

‘This generation have a much bigger view. More than a scene defined by a set of stylistic signifiers, they are a music community rooted in shared values.’

Federico Bolza, former Sony VP of Strategy, and now Director of jazz label New Soil on the evolution of the genre in the UK

‘An effective vaccine will be the ultimate solution, but until that is realized, the Chinese music business has quickly found ways to innovate.’

Modern Sky’s Dave Pichilingi on what coming out of COVID-19 lockdown has looked like for the music industry in China

‘The main issue we have as an industry is lack of economic inclusion for black people.’

British artist manager Allan Siema discusses empirical data that shows non-white individuals still dominate the UK music industry workforce