Apple Music "Well Past" 20 Million Subscribers As Top Exec Eddie Cue Shares ‘Exclusives’ Strategy

Apple-music-itunes-icon-100594579-origIn December we heard that Apple Music had 20 million subscribers. 2 months later they are “well passed” that number, Apple senior executive Eddie Cue shared on stage at yesterday’s ReCode conference.  Cue said that Apple is not satisfied with that number and sees room for ““exponential” growth. Then Cue shared some insights into Apple Music’s exclusive music strategy.


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“In general, I think that exclusives are promotions. The world has always had promotions, and I think it’ll continue to do that,” shared Apple SVP Eddie Cue yesterday at the ReCode conference. “Our promotions with Drake have been great because we’ve done some things together like the movie, music videos and other things that are unique. By us working with him together from the very beginning of what he’s working on, we’re able to do unique things.” 

“I think it’s great for the music business for there to be competition, and for subscription to grow,” he continued. :That’s what’s great for the music business, and that’s what we’re doing… ourselves and others.”

While Spotify has shunned exclusives, Apple Music and Tidal have embraced them, though in very different ways. Tidal has made deals for long term exclusives, while Apple has favored shorter windows. Cue wanted to make it clear that policy will continue at Apple. “There are ways to do that (exclusives), and we will try different ways. Ultimately it’s never good for the music industry if it was separated on a long-term basis.”


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