PRINCE, An Artist Who Controlled Every Aspect Of His Music And Career, LEFT NO WILL

PrincePrince famously controlled of every aspect of his music and career. But his legacy may be left to warring relatives and the courts.  That’s the almost inevitable result of news that broke yesterday: Prince left no will. 


PrincePrince’s sister Tyka Nelson has filed documents in probate court indicating that she believes the singer did not leave a will and requesting that the court appoint a special administrator for the estate.

According to The Los Angeles Times, Nelson said her brother left no surviving spouse, no children and no parents and no will for the disposition of his estate, which is reported to be valued at between $100 and $300 million. Besides Nelson, his full sister, he is survived by half-brothers and half-sisters, whom Nelson identifies in her probate filings as interested parties.

The adult half-siblings are: John Nelson, Norrine Nelson, Sharon Nelson, Alfred Jackson and Omar Baker. She also listed another half-sister, Lorna Nelson, who has died and did not have children, The Los Angeles Times said.

Gavel-568417_640Without a will, Minnesota law states that closest surviving relatives are in line to inherit assets from the estate. Under the state’s law half siblings have as much claim to an inheritance as full siblings.

“It’s an unusual situation to amass this amount of wealth and not have a will. It means there could be a potential legal battle,” Anta Cissé-Green, an attorney who specializes in estate and trust issues told The Times.

– via Celebrity Access


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