CD Baby Acquires, Soundrop To Expand Artist Services, Pledges New Distribution Approach That Favors Constant Creation

CdbabyCD Baby has acquired music marketing platform and its defunct app Soundrop. The deal continues a trend of established new music industry players including ReverbNation, PledgeMusic, TuneCore acquiring startups to expand their offerings.


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CD Baby has acquired, the digital music marketing platform; and the indie digital distributor has big plans for it and’s Soundrop app, which was at one time the most popular playlisting and social listening app for Spotify. offers digtal tools used by 5000 artists and labels to share content and collect fan data. CD Baby says there will be no disruption of services after the acquisition.  “For existing customers, it will be business as usual,” says Kevin Breuner, VP of Marketing at CD Baby.

“We’re excited to continue’s powerful marketing tools for musicians,” continues Breuner. “It’s another set of tools we can offer to the independent musicians we have worked to support and encourage for years.”


image from Widgets And Tools

New Distribution Approach That Favors Constant Creation

CD Baby will now revive and revamp Soundrop, which went dormant after Spotify shifted its third-party app strategy. It will now become a springboard for artists looking for an alternative distribution approach that favors constant creation and single-first strategies. The revived Soundrop will also be the new home for many Loudr artists, the distribution service CD Baby acquired earlier this year.

“We see this as another high-caliber way to serve musicians and give them the best of what’s out there,” concludes Breuner.

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