WAVfn Offers Free Informative Community For Musicians And Music Industry Entrepenuers

WavIn this piece Danny Quick explains WAVfn, a new service being launched which targets all manner of music industry personnel from artists to entrepreneurs, bringing them together in a collaborative community.


Guest Post by Danny Quick on PledgeMusic News

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Today we’re excited to feature a helpful guest post from Danny Quick highlighting a valuable service for artists and music industry personnel called WAVfn, a free collaborative community that provides resources and insights in an ongoing conversation. Read on for how WAVfn could become a go-to tool for you!

“The most valuable commodity I know of is information.” -Gordon Gekko

Over the past few years, I’ve worked closely with up and coming artists, label executives, and everyone in between. At a certain point, I started to realize that I’ve been hearing the same things from people at all levels of the industry:

A desire to grow their network in a meaningful way, gain a better understanding of the rapid shifts in the industry, and have access to strategies that will provide a competitive edge.

There is no shortage of conferences aiming to solve these problems. Having attended many of them myself, I always get the feeling that the conversation, and the community, end when the conference does.

The rate of change in the music industry is only increasing. As technology collides with every part of our existence, disruption seems to be the only constant. We don’t have time to sit around and wait for the next year’s conference to figure out where things are going.

It’s for all of these reasons and more that my co-founders and I have started WAVfn (pronounced Wave Function).

WAVfn is a digital, peer-driven professional community, created with a few key goals in mind:

1. To provide specific, relevant information to our members. This means exclusive interviews, case studies and Q&A sessions with the movers and shakers on the front lines.

2. Create transparency in a notoriously non-transparent industry. There is no shortage of common misconceptions on “how to make it,” and we’re out to provide the tools needed to make informed decisions about your career.

3. Connect aspiring professionals with peers and mentors alike. As the saying goes, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” Our community is a network of forward thinking artists, professionals, entrepreneurs and producers.

You’ll be in a chat room discussing topics relevant to you, the community, and our industry as a whole. To date, we’re honored to have a number of industry veterans joining us, including DJ Skee, Perry Landesberg, and Steve Carless. You can check out the full list here.

It is 100% free to join and if the above interests you, please join us today at wavfn.com. I’ll see you on the inside.

Please send any questions to team@wavfn.com

Danny Quick

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