[UPDATE] Spotify launched a new version of its web player on Tuesday. It’s a major updates with changes to layout, artist pages, and search. So far, many of the comments from users have been negative. “Oh, cool, they’ve upgraded Spotify Web Player and made it worse in every single way!,” wrote one user.
the new spotify update sucks and it makes me want to kill myself.
— sage
|| seven days (@urnotaesthetiic) March 8, 2017
Oh, cool, they’ve upgraded Spotify Web Player and made it worse in every single way! Awesome!
— Alex Mullane (@Mullane45) March 7, 2017
geez, spotify… now i need more clicks to save an album, can’t sort by recently added, search results harder to sort through… ya effed it
— Mike Barber (@mbarber86) March 7, 2017
Oh so Spotify won’t even play your downloaded songs, fucked up update
— Ali (@AliMoshfiq) March 8, 2017