Netflix Increases Monthly Subscription By 25%

Did You Know Netflix Is Increasing Its Subscription Next Month?

As of May, Netflix will be charging $9.99 a month for the two-stream HD plan. That’s a 25% increase.

In May 2014, Netflix began increasing its monthly subscription prices, but those that signed up prior to the price increase were exempt from this for two years. Now those two years are up, the company is sticking to its guns and is set to charge its 17 million recorded users an extra $2 a month.

Many are predicting that a small percentage of its users will cancel their subscriptions once they see the price increase on their statements but the majority are expected to stay. The response on Twitter to the news was mixed. Some people are saying ‘screw Netflix’, and some are completely ‘cool with the Netflix price hike’.

Did You Know That Netflix Is Increasing Its Subscription Plan Next Month?Did You Know That Netflix Is Increasing Its Subscription Plan Next Month? Did You Know That Netflix Is Increasing Its Subscription Plan Next Month?

Recently the service has been working on its original content – to mention a few there’s been ‘Orange is the new black’, ‘House of cards’, ‘Bloodline’ and several other massive hits.  By expanding in this direction it can be costly and now that it has positioned itself as a global leader of entertainment it may be recouping some of that money that it has spent on creating original content for its users. Many subscribers of the service share the same thought that Netflix’s ‘original content alone is well worth more than $9.99/month’.

The only issue is, Netflix hasn’t even told its customers yet. Subscribers of the service have been finding out through online publications and social media networks. The only thing that Netflix has actually said on the changes is that they will notify their users through email.

But when? It seems as though they only spoke out after the backlash of the media coverage.

Did You Know That Netflix Is Increasing Its Subscription Plan Next Month?


(Image by moneyblognewz, Creative Commons, Attribution 2.0 Generic, cc by 2.0)

The post Netflix Increases Monthly Subscription By 25% appeared first on Digital Music News.

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