Net Radio Service 8Tracks Hacked, Details Of Millions Of User Accounts Stolen

Hacked-600x366Popular online radio and playlist service 8Tracks has been hit by hackers, with the account details of millions who have used the site since 2008 stolen and available for sale on the Dark Web.


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Beloved online radio and playlist site 8Tracks has been hacked, and it‘s full database is being traded on the Dark Web.

That includes some 18 million accounts. Vice’s Motherboard was provided with about 6 million usernames, email addresses and passwords to verify the breach ny for profit breach notification site LeakBase. “The passwords appear to be hashed with the SHA1 algorithm, meaning hackers may be able to crack the hashes and obtain some of the original passwords,” according to Motherboard.

8tracks is an internet radio and social network that streams user-curated song playlists. 8Tracks has confirmed the breach in a blog post:

8tracks1“We received credible reports today that a copy of our user database has been leaked, including the email addresses and encrypted passwords of only those 8tracks users who signed up using email. If you signed up via Google or Facebook authentication, then your password is not affected by this leak. 8tracks does not store passwords in a plain text format, but rather uses one-way hashes to ensure they remain difficult to access. These password hashes can only be decrypted using brute force attacks, which are expensive and time-consuming, even for one password.”

In testimony to its popularity within tech circles, 8Tracks attracted an impressive $2 million in equity crowdfunding late last year, and has raised $5.2 million to date.


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