Hans Zimmer Wins Copyright Lawsuit And An Apology, As Pace Of Copyright Claims Accelerates

Gavel-568417_640The case against Hans Zimmer over music from “12 Years A Slave” was dismissed last week. Whatever side you’re on, however, its still an indisputably lucrative time to be a music copyright attorney.  



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Famed composer for film and TV Hans Zimmer has received more than just a win in a copyright infringement case – he also received an apology from a fellow composer who now says he mistakenly sued the Oscar-winner over the music to “12 Years a Slave”.

Richard Friedman sued Zimmer in January 2015 for copyright infringement but now regrets doing so after his case was dismissed from court. “I sincerely apologize to you for bringing the lawsuit and for the time and expense you incurred in its defense,” said Friedman, who writes music for film and television and movie trailers.

He wrote that he sued Zimmer based on the mistaken conclusion of a music expert. His case was dismissed from a federal court in Los Angeles on Wednesday.

Zimmer has been nominated for 10 Academy Awards and won an Oscar for his score for The Lion King. His score for 12 Years a Slave was not nominated for an Oscar, although the film won best picture in 2014.

Zimmer says he is gratified by the outcome, and referenced other high-profile copyright fights in a statement. “I hope this case’s successful conclusion will persuade other artists who face similar claims that justice can be achieved,” Zimmer wrote. “I also hope that this dismissal will discourage other plaintiffs who may be motivated by recent high-profile music copyright lawsuits from filing meritless infringement claims.”

Blurred Lines, Jay Z, Led Zeppelin & More

On Wednesday, attorneys for Pharrell Williams and Robin Thicke filed their opening brief appealing an infringement verdict against their 2013 hit “Blurred Lines.” The verdict awarded more than $5 million to Marvin Gaye’s family, and gave them a 50 percent right to ongoing royalties from the song.

Since then, two other high-profile copyright trials have been heard in Los Angeles – one against Jay Z and another against the band Led Zeppelin over its song “Stairway to Heaven.” Both cases were decided in favor of the artists.

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