Getting To The Top Of The Pile When Submitting Your Music For Licensing

1With record deals no longer what they once were, and live shows and merch sales notoriously unstable, music licensing has become one of the best ways to make reliable and significant money in the music industry. That said, the competition is understandably significant. Here we look at how to get ahead of the pack.


In this latest post to MusicThinkTank, Evan Zwisler shares advice on how to get your submission at the top of the pile when submitting your music for licensing.

“The music licensing process is fairly similar across different mediums, but a variety of factors will make the specific needs of each project distinct and unique.

“Creatively, it’s about finding music that supports or elevates the scene,” says Panepinto. “Once creative is sorted out, the process has to be refined to work within the scope of the project’s budget, which again will vary greatly from project to project. The one constant is that the process is about listening to and understanding your clients and doing your best work for them.”

So even if you think your song would be perfect for a movie, that doesn’t mean it couldn’t also be used for an advertisement or a video game.

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