Fans Not Fame: A New Way To Promote Independent Music

SuccessHere an independent artist looks at why the more “traditional” path to success as an artist in the music industry is no longer effective, and the new method of marketing which self-promoted artists must use in order to be successful.


In this recent piece from MusicThinkTank, Mark Knight shares his personal experience with promoting music as an independent artist in the new music economy.

“We concluded the use of traditional paid promotional channels was unaffordable and unsustainable. We couldn’t compete with major label backed artists for radio playlists, wall to wall press coverage and well paid live opportunities. We couldn’t afford to keep on throwing away money for scant returns.

Luckily for us changes to music consumption mean fans no longer have to wait for radio to play a song, they can go and find what they want, when they want. On demand listening via Spotify was ideally suited for us.”

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