Comparing "Stories" on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat

1Now that Instagram and Facebook have also hopped on the ‘Story’ train, it can be challenging for entrepreneurial artists know which to employ when reaching out to fans. Consequently we’re providing some key info on how to better make that call.


Guest post by Allison Ullrich, Manager, College & Lifestyle Marketing at the The Orchard from their Daily Rind

With Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook all enabling Stories, it can be a daunting task to determine which is the best to use when reaching out to fans. Below is some information that may help you decide which Stories work best for you and what sets each apart:

Facebook Stories

Facebook is the latest app to roll out Stories to users. The new in-app camera makes it easy for users to apply fun filters, stickers and add comments to their photos before uploading directly to their Story or share with to friends directly. Unfortunately, at this time they haven’t rolled out the feature to Business Pages yet, so your band’s page is unable share Stories…for now.

Our advice: Facebook does allow in-app ads that can run between stories to push users to your page or album. If and when Stories rolls out to Pages, we suggest trying it out to see how your followers engage. Until then, keep them hooked with Facebook Live.

Instagram Stories

2Instagram Stories recently pushed it’s way to the top, coming in at 200 million daily users of the tool. It is possible Instagram picked up some more user’s by adding ephemeral messaging in their Direct Messaging feature. While Instagram does not have augmented reality lenses there are still fun stickers, tags, boomerang, and unique pen tools that differentiate the app from the others.

Our advice: Definitely keep posting to Instagram Stories. Instagram Stories are a great way to show your personality, behind the scenes action and even tease out new music. Also, Instagram allows you to tag within Stories to call out brands, locations and other artists, which can help you gain additional followers and boost engagement. Check out this post for tips!

Side note: Another new Insta-update worth mentioning is the new Multiple Photo feature. The new tools gives users the option to upload up to ten photos in one post and view by scrolling horizontally. Reveal album artwork, song lyrics, upcoming tour date posters and much more through this new tool.

Snapchat Stories

Ah, the originator of the 24 hour ephemeral story. While Instagram currently boasts more users per day, Snapchat is still something you should keep in your marketing toolbox as they’re reporting 158 million daily users. With the market cornered on filters/lenses and featured stories, Snapchat is still highly utilized and has even become a news source for some. Interestingly enough, there has been a shift in the age of users, with 45-54 year old adults currently making up 6.4% of American users – the demographic is now the largest growing user base of Snapchat.

Our advice: Keep sharing content here to reach fans across the board. With Snap filters and geotags, there is another layer of advertising that can help target fans. Revisit our Snapchat Best Practices for a refresher on how and what you should be sharing.

Good luck navigating the various options and make sure to note what works best with your fans. When in doubt, you can use your Story to ask them directly!

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