CD Baby Turns 20, Rolls Back Prices To 1989 [Discount Codes]

20years_promo_desktopFor tens of thousands of D.I.Y. and indie, CD Baby, which turns 20 this year, is both a safe haven and a path forward. Alongside its sister companies Disc Makers and, CD Baby offers distribution, publishing, marketing tools and a trusted guiding hand to present their music to the world.



In celebration of their 2oth Anniversary CD Baby is turning back the clock to year of its founding and offer original 1989 pricing: $35 Standard album distribution plus a $20 discount on Pro Publishing albums.

Use these discount codes at checkout:
  • Standard Album: 20YEARS
  • Pro Publishing Album: 20YEARSPRO
Nothing to release right now? No problem: you can save now and use it later.

Here’s to another 20 years of CD Baby!

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