It’s good to work hard — it’s not good to work hard without giving yourself a chance to rest.
Category archives: Vacations
4 Gifts to Give Yourself Before the Holiday Season
Entrepreneurs are infamous for burnout. Step outside your day-to-day and recharge in an unexpected way.
5 Ways to Persuade Employees to Take Vacation Before They Burnout
Commitment to work is good, working until you’re a zombie is bad.
Everything You Need to Do — and Not Do — to Enjoy Your Best Vacation Ever
Your time is precious. Your vacations are super precious. Demand more from them.
3 Steps to That Unplugged, Peace-of-Mind Vacation People Talk About
Start taking the opportunity vacation gives you to reflect on why you’re working so hard for such long hours.
The $323 Billion Reason You Should Use All Your Vacation Days
A new study exposes the hidden costs of not taking vacation — from personal health to the economy.
Who Can Afford Time Off? The Real Cost of a Vacation.
Travel is a very big part of the economy nationally but the cost of taking a vacation is a real burden for many families.