The rate will first take effect Jan. 1 for hospitality workers and will “create a phased approach for minimum wage increases for large businesses and small businesses with adjustments every six months to create consistency in the minimum wage citywide …
Category archives: Minimum Wage
A $15 Minimum Wage Sounds Good But Has Unintended Consequences
Employees’ health insurance shares, office perks and retirement plans are potentially all on the chopping block.
Small-Business Owners Are Split on the Federal Minimum Wage Debate
Many business owners polled favor a higher minimum wage because it means customers with more money to spend.
Contrary to Perception, Small Businesses Do Back a Minimum-Wage Increase
An activist from the small business community makes the case for today’s ballot initiatives in Arizona, Colorado, Maine and Washington State.
The Small-Business Guide to Managing Minimum Wage Increases
All politics aside, changes in the minimum wage have effects on all businesses, large and small, whether you voted for them or not. Get out ahead of policy and start a comprehensive analysis of your company now.
New York and California Governors Sign $15 Minimum Wage Laws
‘This new economy is not a fair economy for the middle class and the working families of this country,’ Andrew Cuomo said.