How Accessibility Teams and Executives Can Work Together for Disability Inclusion

Digital accessibility is no longer an option for companies; it’s a necessity. But inclusion starts with all of us, so here’s how teams can work with their executive bench to help ensure accessibility for all.

During the pandemic 8 out of 10 people with disabilities lost their jobs

Due to the health crisis that still exists in the country, it is estimated that the number of people with disabilities who lost their jobs increased. For these people, the economic recovery will be slower.

Beyond a flag. Learn about the benefits of LGBTQ + labor inclusion practices

Six out of 10 people feel that they must hide their sexual orientation and / or gender identity in their work spaces to avoid being discriminated against, according to the National Diagnosis on Discrimination against LGBTI people in Mexico.

20 Brands That Are Actually Making Progress on their Commitments to Serving the Black Community

Let’s take a moment to acknowledge and learn from brands that are taking the steps to authentically serve the Black community. Here are 20 brands I’m watching.