Capitalizing on your customer’s current needs to push more sales is the secret sauce for many businesses. Follow these three strategies for best success.
Category archives: Customer Loyalty
How to Serve Customers – and Keep Users Happy, Too
Users or customers? Three ways to explore who your company really serves.
5 Experts Tips For Launching a Food or Consumer Products Business During a Downturn
Brands that can do a great job of weaving themselves through consumers’ constantly changing realities can develop loyal consumer bases, even when times are tough.
How You Can Build Long Lasting Customer Relationships
Here are three ways you can create a customer experience that will develop fans of your business for life.
The New Strategy for Lifetime Loyalty: Balancing ‘Products’ and ‘Services’
Take a page from these successful brands and balance products and services to create a compelling brand experience. Your customers will thank you with their loyalty.
Here’s How to Earn and Keep the Loyalty of Your Customers
Nobody will buy from you unless they trust you, but once they trust you they will buy again.
4 Successful Ways Businesses Need to Adapt to a Growing Hispanic Demographic
Make sure your brand and message is inclusive.
The One Customer Relations Tip You Need to Grow Sales
Eric Siu lays out why how your customers remember you makes a big difference to your business.
Long-Term Customer Loyalty Starts (or Ends) With Your Earliest Interactions
You’ve spent years growing your product. Why throw all of that away by ignoring customers once they step through the door?
5 Reasons Why Your Business Is Losing Customers
Ever think about why people keep buying iPhones, even though they’re so darned pricey?