Spotify Is Totally Against Tidal’s Beyonce Exclusive…

Spotify Against Beyonce 'Lemonade' Tidal ExclusiveSpotify says long-term exclusive are bad…

Beyonce’s new album ‘Lemonade’ is currently only available to stream on Tidal – and its going to be a Tidal exclusive for the forseeable future, according to sources. After the news surfaced of the ‘Lemonade’ exclusivity, Spotify spoke out in an interview with Mashable and it seems as though the Spotify team are not happy with Beyoncé’s decision.

Yesterday (April 24th) Jonathan Prince, Global head of communication  and public policy for Spotify spoke out on Beyonce’s Tidal exclusive.

“We believe long-term exclusives are bad for artists and they’re bad for fans”

Prince goes on to say ”Artists want as many fans as possible to hear their music, and fans want to hear the music they’re excited about – exclusives get in the way of both.”

The news has not been confirmed by Beyonce or Tidal, but the likelihood of ‘Lemonade’ remaining a Tidal exclusive is pretty high.

It’s not the first time an artist has decided to make their album exclusive to one streaming platform. Last year the legendary pop icon Prince pulled all his music from every streaming service apart from Tidal. Then there was Kanye West’s ‘The Life of Pablo’ album which was a Tidal exclusive for over a month, but then was later distributed on other streaming platforms, despite West proclaiming that it would ‘never’ be available on any stream service apart from Tidal.

There has been several other artists who have made their music exclusive to one of the music streaming services in the market, but not many have made it a long-term exclusive.

So is this just another ploy of doubling up Tidal’s subscribers? And are we going to see a shift in subscribers from Spotify and Apple Music to Tidal? This may well be the case – Beyonce has hundreds of millions of fans who may well switch if they can’t access her music on the platform that they are currently subscribed to.

The post Spotify Is Totally Against Tidal’s Beyonce Exclusive… appeared first on Digital Music News.

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