7 Common Themes To Secure Music Blog Coverage

11Building a press list for your band can often seem like an overwhelmingly difficult task, made all the more thankless by not knowing if it will result in actual useful press. Here we look at seven guidelines to set your band up for good blog coverage.


In this newest post from MusicThinkTank, Janelle Rogers outlines seven common themes to stick to when it comes to garnering effective blog coverage for your band.

“Is your band even the right genre for the blog? It’s common to put a lot of great blogs on a wish list because they’ve heard they are influential, without even looking at the blog to determine if their genre would be considered. For instance, The Fader isn’t going to consider an Americana band when their focus is on hip hop and electronic. On the same token, No Depression wouldn’t start covering hip hop when they’re known for Americana, folk and roots music.”

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