"Hot Boy" Bobby Shmurda Sentenced To 7 Years Despite Last-Second Attempt To Change Plea

image from www.rap-up.comBrooklyn rapper Bobby Shumrda, best known for the hit “Hot Boy,”  has been sentenced to seven years in prison, despite his last minute attempt to change his plea deal, which has been worked out last month.


image from www.rap-up.com22 year old Rapper Bobby Shumrda has been sentenced to seven years for conspiracy and carrying an illegal firearm, despite his last minute demand to change his plea deal.

Shumrda, best known for the hit “Hot Boy” and the “Shmoney Dance” video with Rowdy Rebel, which has more than 15 million views on YouTube. [watch below]

“I was forced to take this sentence. I don’t want to take this sentence,” the New York Daily News reported Shmurda telling the judge at his sentencing hearing. “I want to drop my plea.” Then turning to his own lawyer, Robert Spiro, the rapper demanded angrily,  “I want to drop my plea and fire you … Why are you telling me to waive my rights? I am not waiving my rights.”

But the judge saw things differently, dismissing any attempt to delay. “I don’t see any reason for an adjournment,” the judge declared before sentencing Shmurda to 7 years.

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