Promote Your Music To Bloggers: A How To Guide

Bzblog-how-to-promote-music-bloggers-img01+1While it may seem as though blogs had their heyday back in the mid-aughts, they remain an important area of promotion for artists, and being able to convince the authors of said blogs to promote your work remains a valuable skill


In this fresh article from the front page of MusicThinkTank, Joy Ike walks us through the proper procedure for locating a blog and successfully pitching one’s music to said blog.

“Know what the blogger writes: If John Doe reviews a Sufjan Stevens album and you want him to review yours too, take some time to check out his other reviews. Find a few common threads and facts that will help you pitch yourself better. For example, maybe John Doe only reviews artists with weird names. Or maybe he only reviews artists when they are touring through his city. Knowing a little bit about who you’re emailing will help you exponentially!”

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